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Christmas Kickstarter Launch: Good or Bad?

Are you thinking of launching your campaign in December? Then think again as launching your campaign in the holiday season can leave you with less engagement and out of pocket. 

Before to continue though, I'm linking my free e-book right here if you didn't download it yet. That is gonna guide you in running a proper pre-launch phase to build your own email list: 3 simple steps to success on Kickstarter and Indiegogo.

"Why is it a bad idea to launch in the holiday season?"

The end of November and December are bad times to launch your campaign, this is due to customers prioritizing buying gifts and Christmas decorations over anything else at this time of year. Money is short and you will end up missing potential backers who usually populate these platforms.

Sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo have reported that they usually see less consumer traffic during the holiday season. Backers usually prioritise buying gifts that they can receive before Christmas rather than after, so unless you have a product that you can deliver before Christmas, I would advise that you avoid launching in and around the holidays. Unless you can be 100% confident you will be able to ship it in time for it to be given as a Christmas gift.

In addition, If your product is exceptional and you are sure that people will back it, you may still find that your profit will be less than any other time of the year as you will have to spend a lot of money on marketing strategies. 

Christmas gift

"Planning and Preparation"

Crowdfunding efforts could take up to 6 months of planning, marketing strategy, and stakeholder engagement. You are also trying to avoid competition as everyone who avoids the holiday season will begin to launch their campaigns at the end of January. January and even February are poor choices to launch a campaign. People are short on cash and have exhausted their resources.

I would then suggest that you launch from March onwards to the next holiday season otherwise launching in January could take away attention from your target market. The CPM (cost per thousands of impressions) will be very high in December as a lot of companies will be investing in marketing therefore you will be fighting to be seen which means more money will be spent on advertising.

If you are just starting down this road then I suggest doing your research and begin engaging in January to set the foundation for a launch around April. So, if you can afford to wait you will see a much bigger return.  

christmas presents kickstarter

What products am I Launching?

It’s also wise to think about the seasonality of your product when deciding which month to launch. For example, if you are launching a fan, you want to launch that during spring or summer when it’s hot. People buy products based on needs they have now more so than later.

What Day is best to Launch? 

Perhaps you are thinking about what day you should launch; I would recommend that you launch on a Tuesday as that is the day when people seem to be settling into their productive schedule and are more likely to buy. If you launch on a Monday this is the start of most people working week, therefore can be more chaotic than usual as it takes people time to settle into their working week and be productive.

If you rush to get a campaign within a certain date in a certain month, you will end up hurting your success rate. It’s more important to take the right amount of time to prepare your launch than to hit a specific month.

To learn more about how to get fully prepared to launch a successful Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaign, download my free eBook today to learn more about it: ‘3 Simple Steps to Success on Kickstarter and Indiegogo’.

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Christmas Kickstarter Launch: Good or Bad?

Are you thinking of launching your campaign in December? Then think again as launching your campaign in the holiday season can leave you with less engagement and out of pocket. 

Before to continue though, I'm linking my free e-book right here if you didn't download it yet. That is gonna guide you in running a proper pre-launch phase to build your own email list: 3 simple steps to success on Kickstarter and Indiegogo.

"Why is it a bad idea to launch in the holiday season?"

The end of November and December are bad times to launch your campaign, this is due to customers prioritizing buying gifts and Christmas decorations over anything else at this time of year. Money is short and you will end up missing potential backers who usually populate these platforms.

Sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo have reported that they usually see less consumer traffic during the holiday season. Backers usually prioritise buying gifts that they can receive before Christmas rather than after, so unless you have a product that you can deliver before Christmas, I would advise that you avoid launching in and around the holidays. Unless you can be 100% confident you will be able to ship it in time for it to be given as a Christmas gift.

In addition, If your product is exceptional and you are sure that people will back it, you may still find that your profit will be less than any other time of the year as you will have to spend a lot of money on marketing strategies. 

Christmas gift

"Planning and Preparation"

Crowdfunding efforts could take up to 6 months of planning, marketing strategy, and stakeholder engagement. You are also trying to avoid competition as everyone who avoids the holiday season will begin to launch their campaigns at the end of January. January and even February are poor choices to launch a campaign. People are short on cash and have exhausted their resources.

I would then suggest that you launch from March onwards to the next holiday season otherwise launching in January could take away attention from your target market. The CPM (cost per thousands of impressions) will be very high in December as a lot of companies will be investing in marketing therefore you will be fighting to be seen which means more money will be spent on advertising.

If you are just starting down this road then I suggest doing your research and begin engaging in January to set the foundation for a launch around April. So, if you can afford to wait you will see a much bigger return.  

christmas presents kickstarter

What products am I Launching?

It’s also wise to think about the seasonality of your product when deciding which month to launch. For example, if you are launching a fan, you want to launch that during spring or summer when it’s hot. People buy products based on needs they have now more so than later.

What Day is best to Launch? 

Perhaps you are thinking about what day you should launch; I would recommend that you launch on a Tuesday as that is the day when people seem to be settling into their productive schedule and are more likely to buy. If you launch on a Monday this is the start of most people working week, therefore can be more chaotic than usual as it takes people time to settle into their working week and be productive.

If you rush to get a campaign within a certain date in a certain month, you will end up hurting your success rate. It’s more important to take the right amount of time to prepare your launch than to hit a specific month.

To learn more about how to get fully prepared to launch a successful Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaign, download my free eBook today to learn more about it: ‘3 Simple Steps to Success on Kickstarter and Indiegogo’.

crowdfunding campaign ebook download indiegogo kickstarter

The 3 Simple Steps to Success on Kickstarter and Indiegogo

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