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Frescopod: $8,000 goal reached in 2 hours on Kickstarter.

Yes! It is totally possible, and that's what actually happened to my client Yannis from Frescopod an eco-friendly coffee pods making system who just launched some days ago his first crowdfunding campaign, collecting over $8000 in the first 2 hours!

But what exactly made this possible? In this video-article we’ll talk a little more on what worked best for my client and how the reservations funnel played a major role in this success. Follow this article to help you figure out how to achieve this amazing goal!

Let's do a quick recap on how Yannis achieve that and why should you aim to do the same. If you want to find it out, I strongly suggest you subscribe to my Youtube channel and smash the like button! Or just... continue reading.


First of all Yannis managed to run a great pre-launch campaign for his project, and as I always tell you this is the most important step, that actually allowed him to smash his crowdfunding goal of $7500 in just 2 hours from the actual launch of the campaign, collecting a couple of hundred backers.

Frescopod is essentially a coffee pods making system, that allow users to create an eco-friendly recycle pods each time you need a coffe without losing coffee scent and freshness.
I’m sure that you are aware of the metal pods that need a sticky filter on top and that they need to be clean each time after the use, but with these pods you will trash the whole container except for the metal cap filter that will just need a quick wash to be ready for another round! Pretty cool, right?

Another great thing about this campaign is the great work that my client Yannis has done with his community. In fact, especially when we're talking about new products where the response of market is still unsure that community is fundamental!

For this reason I guided him for this aspect during his pre-launch phase, it’s really important, testing the market before the launch, in this case using the community originally created to get info related to pricing, colors, features etc. Yannis and the Frescopod team managed to accomplish it very well. How did they do that?

First of all they created a place where they described the project in a detailed way, how that works and all the technical details. I’m referring to a Landing Page that's leads collection oriented, where they managed to showcase their product and collect leads of potential backers for their campaign.

Plus they really made a clear explanation of the rewards and remember it’s always very important to be super clear on the content of the reward in order to let the backers being super confident in proceeding with the pre-order! Just like my other client Andrew did!

Secondly, they needed to drive the right traffic to the page in order to collect people interested in their campaign, in this case they mainly used paid advertising to target the right audience for their product.

Another important matter is that they also were very active on social media, especially on Instagram which was definitely a good gateway to collect leads over the website.

In fact as I suggest in another article, the social followers value way lower compared to the leads collected over a landing page. So if you wanna use social media marketing, make sure to always focus in converting those followers in leads.

Anyway, collecting leads before the launch and engaging with them was not the only recipe for their success.


The steps I mentioned above were of course fundamental and useful but there was actually an additional step in the leads collection funnel from the landing page.

A $1 reservation strategy.

Essentially, after submitting their email over the landing page, the users were redirected to a sort of reservationthank you page”. The user were able to back just $1 to be the first one in line getting the super early bird discount over the upcoming crowdfunding campaign.

This strategy is very helpful for a couple of reasons:
First, to test if people are interested in actually paying for your product, due to the fact that it is new to the market. Secondly, to generate a better and more qualified audience to run Facebook Ads, because of course Facebook is gonna gather more info about who would possibly spend money for your product and that is definitely going to help the convert people in actual backers when the crowdfunding campaign will be live.


Well, this was a success indeed and I'm so proud to see the Frescopod team gain this amazing goal. I'm sure I intrigued you enough to check the Frescopod campaign on Kickstarter. 

So if you wanna be sure to understand more about a proper crowdfunding launch, I’ve got you covered with my crowdfunding pre-launch free e-book called ''3 steps to success on Kickstarter and Indiegogo''. 

It’s gonna guide you through the right strategy to follow in order to build a solid and warm community of potential backers for your project.

As always make sure to check out my new video right on top and comment to ask me questions and subscribe to my channel to stay updated on fresh new content that I’m gonna drop there.

Ciao ciao! 

Privacy Policy: We hate spam and promise to keep your inbox safe, occasionally sending high-quality content related to this topic, according to your permission.

Frescopod: $8,000 goal reached in 2 hours on Kickstarter.

Yes! It is totally possible, and that's what actually happened to my client Yannis from Frescopod an eco-friendly coffee pods making system who just launched some days ago his first crowdfunding campaign, collecting over $8000 in the first 2 hours!

But what exactly made this possible? In this video-article we’ll talk a little more on what worked best for my client and how the reservations funnel played a major role in this success. Follow this article to help you figure out how to achieve this amazing goal!

Let's do a quick recap on how Yannis achieve that and why should you aim to do the same. If you want to find it out, I strongly suggest you subscribe to my Youtube channel and smash the like button! Or just... continue reading.

Frescopod Kickstarter Mattia Di Stasi


First of all Yannis managed to run a great pre-launch campaign for his project, and as I always tell you this is the most important step, that actually allowed him to smash his crowdfunding goal of $7500 in just 2 hours from the actual launch of the campaign, collecting a couple of hundred backers.

Frescopod is essentially a coffee pods making system, that allow users to create an eco-friendly recycle pods each time you need a coffe without losing coffee scent and freshness.
I’m sure that you are aware of the metal pods that need a sticky filter on top and that they need to be clean each time after the use, but with these pods you will trash the whole container except for the metal cap filter that will just need a quick wash to be ready for another round! Pretty cool, right?

Another great thing about this campaign is the great work that my client Yannis has done with his community. In fact, especially when we're talking about new products where the response of market is still unsure that community is fundamental!

For this reason I guided him for this aspect during his pre-launch phase, it’s really important, testing the market before the launch, in this case using the community originally created to get info related to pricing, colors, features etc. Yannis and the Frescopod team managed to accomplish it very well. How did they do that?

First of all they created a place where they described the project in a detailed way, how that works and all the technical details. I’m referring to a Landing Page that's leads collection oriented, where they managed to showcase their product and collect leads of potential backers for their campaign.

Plus they really made a clear explanation of the rewards and remember it’s always very important to be super clear on the content of the reward in order to let the backers being super confident in proceeding with the pre-order! Just like my other client Andrew did!

Secondly, they needed to drive the right traffic to the page in order to collect people interested in their campaign, in this case they mainly used paid advertising to target the right audience for their product.

Another important matter is that they also were very active on social media, especially on Instagram which was definitely a good gateway to collect leads over the website.

In fact as I suggest in another article, the social followers value way lower compared to the leads collected over a landing page. So if you wanna use social media marketing, make sure to always focus in converting those followers in leads.

Anyway, collecting leads before the launch and engaging with them was not the only recipe for their success.

frescopod rewards mattia di stasi


The steps I mentioned above were of course fundamental and useful but there was actually an additional step in the leads collection funnel from the landing page.

A $1 reservation strategy.

Essentially, after submitting their email over the landing page, the users were redirected to a sort of reservationthank you page”. The user were able to back just $1 to be the first one in line getting the super early bird discount over the upcoming crowdfunding campaign.

This strategy is very helpful for a couple of reasons:
First, to test if people are interested in actually paying for your product, due to the fact that it is new to the market. Secondly, to generate a better and more qualified audience to run Facebook Ads, because of course Facebook is gonna gather more info about who would possibly spend money for your product and that is definitely going to help the convert people in actual backers when the crowdfunding campaign will be live.


Well, this was a success indeed and I'm so proud to see the Frescopod team gain this amazing goal. I'm sure I intrigued you enough to check the Frescopod campaign on Kickstarter. 

So if you wanna be sure to understand more about a proper crowdfunding launch, I’ve got you covered with my crowdfunding pre-launch free e-book called ''3 steps to success on Kickstarter and Indiegogo''. 

It’s gonna guide you through the right strategy to follow in order to build a solid and warm community of potential backers for your project.

As always make sure to check out my new video right on top and comment to ask me questions and subscribe to my channel to stay updated on fresh new content that I’m gonna drop there.

Ciao ciao! 

crowdfunding campaign ebook download indiegogo kickstarter

The 3 Simple Steps to Success on Kickstarter and Indiegogo

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