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How Ndah published her Daughter's Book raising $8000 on Kickstarter

Today I want to share with you an interview that I've made with Ndah Tatan a student of mine, who Successfully Funded her crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter 🥳

Before starting, I'm linking my free e-book right here, for the ones who didn't download it yet. That is gonna guide you step by step on how to execute a proper pre-launch phase to launch your project in crowdfunding: 3 simple steps to success on Kickstarter and Indiegogo.


The project of Ndah Tatan consisted of making her daughters' dreams come true: publishing fantasy books written by them!

Kirsten and Aiyven Mbawa (12-10 y.o) are the gifted sisters we're talking about. These girls worked hard to create 2 books: an historical fiction and a fantasy novel, and they quote that they started thinking about writing a book thanks to their granma's encouragement to attend the BBC 500 Words competition in early 2019. But it didn't turn out as they expected, and that's why these willing children, with the help of their mother, decided to start a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, wishing on the backer's support to publish their books.

Ndah Tatan, their mother, was aware of the big challenge she would have faced, but nonetheless, she was strong and willing, and that's what led her and their daughter to accomplish a great result, as a matter of fact, they reached their goal of $8.000! Thanks to Kickstarter's platform she was able to find out backers that believed in her project and help her to succeed, both inside and outside the UK.

But it hasn't been without its challenges. At first, Ndah, was focusing her attention on the wrong channels, as she mentions in the video, which led her to face a cold audience and not getting any feedback. The main problem, as I always say to my students, was that of not running a proper pre-launch phase before the launch of the campaign. The most important thing is to have a clear vision of the market and create a solid and warm community of people interested in backing your project. Actually, in the first instance, it is gonna be hard to find out backers that never heard about you before, rather than selling the product to people that are totally aware of what you're offering.

In conclusion, me and my student Ndah Tatan had a great talk about all the issues she faced and how she found comfort in my advice, in the video above you will know everything about that, check it out! 👆▶️

If you rush to get a campaign within a certain date in a certain month, you will end up hurting your success rate. It’s more important to take the right amount of time to prepare your launch than to hit a specific month.

To learn more about how to get fully prepared to launch a successful Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaign, download my free eBook today to learn more about it: ‘3 Simple Steps to Success on Kickstarter and Indiegogo’.

Privacy Policy: We hate spam and promise to keep your inbox safe, occasionally sending high-quality content related to this topic, according to your permission.

How Ndah published her Daughter's Book raising $8000 on Kickstarter

Today I want to share with you an interview that I've made with Ndah Tatan a student of mine, who Successfully Funded her crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter 🥳

Before starting, I'm linking my free e-book right here, for the ones who didn't download it yet. That is gonna guide you step by step on how to execute a proper pre-launch phase to launch your project in crowdfunding: 3 simple steps to success on Kickstarter and Indiegogo.


mattia di stasi kickstarter success

The project of Ndah Tatan consisted of making her daughters' dreams come true: publishing fantasy books written by them!

Kirsten and Aiyven Mbawa (12-10 y.o) are the gifted sisters we're talking about. These girls worked hard to create 2 books: an historical fiction and a fantasy novel, and they quote that they started thinking about writing a book thanks to their granma's encouragement to attend the BBC 500 Words competition in early 2019. But it didn't turn out as they expected, and that's why these willing children, with the help of their mother, decided to start a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, wishing on the backer's support to publish their books.

Ndah Tatan, their mother, was aware of the big challenge she would have faced, but nonetheless, she was strong and willing, and that's what led her and their daughter to accomplish a great result, as a matter of fact, they reached their goal of $8.000! Thanks to Kickstarter's platform she was able to find out backers that believed in her project and help her to succeed, both inside and outside the UK.

But it hasn't been without its challenges. At first, Ndah, was focusing her attention on the wrong channels, as she mentions in the video, which led her to face a cold audience and not getting any feedback. The main problem, as I always say to my students, was that of not running a proper pre-launch phase before the launch of the campaign. The most important thing is to have a clear vision of the market and create a solid and warm community of people interested in backing your project. Actually, in the first instance, it is gonna be hard to find out backers that never heard about you before, rather than selling the product to people that are totally aware of what you're offering.

In conclusion, me and my student Ndah Tatan had a great talk about all the issues she faced and how she found comfort in my advice, in the video above you will know everything about that, check it out! 👆▶️

If you rush to get a campaign within a certain date in a certain month, you will end up hurting your success rate. It’s more important to take the right amount of time to prepare your launch than to hit a specific month.

To learn more about how to get fully prepared to launch a successful Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaign, download my free eBook today to learn more about it: ‘3 Simple Steps to Success on Kickstarter and Indiegogo’.

crowdfunding campaign ebook download indiegogo kickstarter

The 3 Simple Steps to Success on Kickstarter and Indiegogo

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